Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Transmuting the Pain Body

I want to talk about Eckhart Tolle today and what his teachings have meant for me.

I first met Eckhart while managing a tourist park. The kind lady who introduced me was from Texas and I will always remember our chance meeting. The nature of a tourist park is that there are always people coming and going and well, I happened to be working on the day a lovely couple from Texas came to stay for their last night in Australia.

As they checked in, we got to discussing all sorts of things and it soon became evident that it was like we had always known each other, so easy was the conversation flow. We remarked on this and then laughed. I asked how they had enjoyed their stay in Australia. They proceeded to tell me how wonderful it was. They had a book of stories to tell and would delight their family and friends on their return home. We were invited to look them up if ever we were in Texas. Such a wonderful chance meeting, I will never forget this charming couple.

As it turned out, the next day I happened to be off work and away from the park, where I was the onsite manager, therefore my home was at the park. On my return, I noticed a basket of goodies on my kitchen bench. There were a number of items including food. A note showed it was from my newfound Texan friends thanking me for a wonderful stay in the park and blessed conversation the day before.

I sifted through the goodies in the basket when I came across a book penned by Eckhart Tolle. The book was titled, The Power of Now. I had not heard of the author nor the book but I thought it was a lovely gift as I was an avid book collector. I read a little of the book that night and found I could not quite 'gel' with the contents so I laid it aside and continued with my busy life.

Years passed and I had moved home. One day while unpacking my beloved books, I happened upon the book. I must read this again I thought, maybe the time was right now. So I started. Do you know, I could not put the book down, so strong was the grip the words were having on my thinking. I finished the book and started to hunt around for more of Eckhart's books. One thing led to another and I found an interesting video clip on the internet of an interview with Eckhart. The interviewer was Oprah Winfrey. I watched with immense interest and realized this guy was talking to me personally. I am sure he spoke to everyone, on a personal level, so entrancing was his delivery of his belief.

That was almost 5 years ago and I am to this day so very grateful to the Texan couple who led me to read a book. Eckhart Tolle has a an amazing story to tell and his truth has and will for generations to come, enlighten anyone who is looking for a path to a fuller life. Thank you Eckhart Tolle.

If you would like a snippet of what Eckhart Tolle has to say, see here. https://www.eckharttolletv.com/s/no3bt2

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Who are We?

Who are we? You may find that I tend to write more on this than on any other. Why am I so interested in this topic? I cannot answer that except to say that I am intrigued by religious beliefs and spirituality.The question remains. Who are we really? I have asked this many times and many times I come back to more questions. Why do we sometimes feel that we have to suffer to gain a clearer understanding of our life? Why do we feel that sacrifice is required?

I am more in tune with those who prefer to question than blindly believe the word of another. They call this faith but what is faith? Why do religions demand so much for their faith? What makes a Christian good? If a Christian is the only 'good' person on this earth, what of all the rest of us? What of other belief systems? What happens to them? I mean if you understand all of this and have asked the questions and can say with true hearted faith that you believe because you understand, then you are in the right place and time for you and for your life alone. It's all about coming to your own truth when the time is right and allowing others to do the same to find their truth.

I grew up with my parents searching for the answers themselves. Searching for a 'family' to belong to. Jehovah's Witnesses was one that my grandmother believed with and in the end they destroyed her and practically 'evicted' her from their Church because she divorced her husband. She was a faithful servant and they shunned her because of their beliefs. Not to mention the chosen 144 who will 'rule with God' and judge each and everyone of us accordng to our lives. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against anyone committing to their faith because that is what is right for them but when they impose this onto others who cannot choose, I see the faults that lie within the faith. Jehovah's Witnesses do not partake in the ways of the world and therefore do not celebrate Christmas or Birthdays. Rather they celebrate the life of anyone at death. They believe that when we die, that is the end of it and we are returned to the earth from 'whence we came'. That is until the promised resurrection. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that only they meet scriptural requirements for surviving Armageddon, although God is the final judge.

Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ and expect you to marry within the faith. Their founder practiced polygamy and married many times, up to 30 women at one time even while they were still married to other men until it was seen as wrong in the eyes of society. Their Bible was delivered differently and with different Prophets to the commonly known King James version of the Bible. My family tried this belief too and truly there were many wonderfully, kind people and I know there are wonderfully, kind people in all forms of religions and all walks of life yet what compels us to worship a certain God or Gods? Research just a little of the habits of these religions and you may find some startling beliefs.

Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices where the founder, a Sci-Fi novelist, actually revealed the story of Xenu the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in a spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them. Official Scientology dogma holds that the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm. However in saying that, Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature and we can learn a lot from this form of belief. Use your own research skills to learn more.

Most religions have borrowed from Ancient Egyptian and pagan beliefs, modifying them to suit their own ideas; then, in order to rule the people, crucify those from who they stole the ideas from in the beginning, naming them witches and the like. The new leaders called them false religions worshipping false Gods and yet without the history left behind by these people who recorded their lives so remarkably well in for example the great pyramids of Egypt, where would we be? The would-be leaders, devised and developed their own ideas from these earlier beliefs then revealed that only they had the power to converse with the all mighty creator! How wrong they were.

Are we lucky to live now in this time of so-called religous toleration which is only beginning it's long journey to understanding? What does the future hold? Where are we going and what will we find when we arrive? More of the same ignorance and misunderstanding?

Conspiracy theories and secrets held deep in religious whispers have been developed and engineered through history to entice the reader into a game of cat and mouse. The game takes place through the pages of history and across the globe however I have found within these intriguing games, and I call them games because they involve the reader quite amazingly, a journey of self discovery. In the process, you may find your own faith in life. Be brave and ask your questions and the answer will be revealed in a most unique way.

We are fortunate and no matter the colour of our skin or the language we speak, ultimately our faith is the same. It draws us closer to our family, our universal family and that makes us belong. Wherever your faith lies, use it to help the lives of others and never, but never, force your belief on another. Your faith speaks for itself in your actions. "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you!" Right or wrong is only the perception of another however, if you live by the rule that to be kind, judge not another and enjoy life without hurting another then you will live a wonderful life!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Explore our World

The natural world is a wonder and a vision to behold. If there is one thing you do for your children, give them knowledge of the world around them. Help them understand the beauty and teach them how to look after our planet. Explore from the comfort of your home or get out in nature and let their minds and bodies explore. Have you ever wondered what would happen if the worlds technology suddenly shut down? Without knowledge of the natural world, plant life, animal behaviour, and survival techniques, how would we live?

Prepare your mind to help prepare your children's! They are the future!

National Geographic present...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Avatar - The Movie

Have you ever seen a movie that so touched your soul, you could just sit and watch it over and over, becoming almost a part of the adventure itself? Avatar did this for me! The wonder the excitement and the all together creation of the incredible world of the Na'vi were breathtaking.

Most movies convey a message to the viewer and it is received in various ways. The Message was loud and clear in Avatar! STOP KILLING OUR WORLD!

We need to step back and look at the beauty that surrounds us and begin to live simply again. Are we building a better tomorrow with our technology while being blinded by power? The true answer to survival for us all is to share the resources of the whole planet with more than just the few!
Do yourself a favor and watch this magnificent movie. For the critics out there, look beyond your limited imagination and feel the truth in the story and wonder at the idea of worlds other than our own!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Butterfly Dreams

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation or change, love and joy. There is a Native American legend that says,

"If you have a secret wish, capture a butterfly and whisper your wish to it. Since butterflies cannot speak, your secret is ever safe in their keeping. Release the butterfly, and it will carry your wish to the Great Spirit, who alone knows the thoughts of butterflies.By setting the butterfly free, you are helping to restore the balance of nature, and your wish will surely be granted."
The butterfly is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Butterfly Symbolism by Vlinder 

Cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis. The symbolism of the butterfly in connection with the soul tells us that we are on the same journey, however we have the benefit of an extended period in which to develop and transform through experience. There are many twists and turns in our journey and many interruptions, but if we stay true to ourselves, as the butterfly does through its journey, we are certain to emerge from the cocoon as the butterfly and into the wonder of life!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Creation - AllAboutCreation.org

Creation. The question of where life began has been the topic most talked about, debated about and dreamt about for eternity. Nobody really knows. We study life and add to the debate from our own perspective and if we are inspired by God we will of course recieve the information and add our own flavour simply because we are human. Can anyone honestly tell us how it is, without a hint of judgement, or emotion affecting the result? Can Jesus really be believed because he said so? Can we afford not to believe him? Will we endure the flames hell if we don't? Should we fear God? Who is God? Who has the right to claim to talk with God? Would we do better if we praised life remembering to hurt no other then to spend our life inside the confines of the rules associated with so many man-made religions?

Thousands of people think about these things everyday and express their thoughts for the world to see. I see these people as inspirational just because they ask the questions and reflect on life and share their thoughts.

Here are a few sites I've found that ask the relevant questions... you either believe... or you don't. The choice is yours.

Remember always to smell the roses, see the sunset, listen to nature, touch someones heart and taste life!


Creation - AllAboutCreation.org
