Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Contemplating the existence of God

I have contemplated God in many ways. I have searched my whole life for the meaning and purpose of my life. My thoughts were always 'are we born only to struggle through life then die or is there a higher purpose?'. I searched and searched for the answers especially in religion but nothing rang true. I felt I was only being brainwashed into believing another persons view of the concept of reality through their own perspective and contemplation of God. That is until the day I came across a puzzle book. Researching the information that unlocked the code led me on a wild exciting journey of self discovery and transformation that blew my mind. Finally I was awake! Finally, and although I had always believed in God, I began to fit the pieces together. As hard as I tried, I could not picture God in human form let alone 'the father'. Suddenly, I was awake with a different view and this one feels true to me. I had also found my purpose.
Our purpose is to be all that we can be to enhance humanity in this life and if we find peace in the church community or as individuals honoring creation in our own way, then so be it and if we make mistakes then we must not crucify ourselves for them but learn from them to improve ourselves. I realized that I had to keep learning. Everyday! I realized that it is ok to love myself, not vainly, but with compassion and understand that I wasn't alone. I learned that to understand God, I have to first understand myself. What makes me tick and what makes me so different from everyone else around me? Why am I unique?

My research led me to another book. 'The Secret' and before you all start groaning, think about the reality of it. Our mind is an absolutely wonderfully amazing thing. Apart from our 'functional brain' our mind allows us to be creative, to construct unbelievably enormous buildings, bridges, or tunnels underneath cities or water. We can build spacecraft and travel to other planets. The technology that surrounds us today is positively incredible and all because someone put their mind to it and made it a reality!

I am in awe of the power of the mind and be it a God or merely the 'god' within, I am in awe of the power I have, that each of us have, that make us capable of creating these magnificent wonders. I will always be grateful to the people who devised that little puzzle book and while I have yet to solve the puzzle, I have been 'enlightened' through all that I have so far learned. God does exist. In whatever form you believe. It is your belief in anything that makes it your reality.

I am aware of the darkness that can sometimes consume a soul but I also know that the darkness can only thrive when you allow it too. The darkness, devil, demon or Satan or whatever term you wish to use, is trying to win the battle over life and will do whatever it takes including leading those feeling at their worst into the pits of darkness. The thing is, all of them are just a thought! Change your thoughts and those dark thoughts will no longer control you. We have all felt those dark thoughts at some point in our lives and it is then you may contemplate the existence of God and perhaps, if you believe that God has the same form as a human, place the blame on him because that is easier, however, I challenge you to close your eyes and picture something beautiful when the darkness threatens. Whatever the thought may be, a loved one, the sound of the ocean as the waves crash to the shore, a rain forest alive with the sounds of nature, a waterfall where a mermaid sits atop a high rock , beckoning you to come and play, or the sound of a child's laughter. Your mind can conjure up anything you like to make you feel great. This truly works.

God appears in may ways when you believe that the mind is an amazing creation of the very same energy. "What the mind can conceive.....it can achieve." If you wish for abundance in your life, then go ahead and have it! Just appreciate what you already have, giving thanks every day of your life. Go ahead and contemplate the existence of God and you will find you are really contemplating your own life. Mine is only one perspective of life. What is your perspective? Do you believe we are a three part being? Mind body and soul? Contemplate your own existence and you may be surprised.

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