Friday, October 16, 2009

'Nothing' is New

I have discovered that the older I get, the more time I have to think. The more I think, the more I want to know. The more I know, the more I understand that I know very little. Since Descartes (dubbed the 'Father of Modern Philosophy), most philosophers have believed that self-knowledge is importantly different from knowledge of the world external to oneself, including others' thoughts. Socrates, the Greek Philosopher once said, “The only thing I know is that I know nothing”. At least in the bigger picture of the universe I guess he realised how little he really knew.

If you remember the 80’s movie ‘The Never-ending Story’, you’ll remember the ‘nothing’ that threatened to take over 'Fantastica'. This ‘nothing’ represented the people’s lack of imagination in the real world. Eventually, through reading the book, young Bastian himself becomes a part of the story but his lack of confidence causes him to hesitate in taking the next step and save 'Fantastica' from the ‘nothing’.

My reason for relating this story is to remind you that confidence in every action determines the result. Your imagination, which as adults we sometimes forget we have, allows you to create new ideas and new ideas are the foundation for improving your future. Whether borrowed or unique, your idea has the flavour only you can add which in turn makes in new again. Your idea in action is the key to moving your life ahead in the direction that is right for you.

You may find yourself delaying the action by thinking. Is it the right or wrong thing to do? What if I fail? Let me tell you, there is no right and wrong way to act. There is only your way and if you do not act then you live life by default. You let life live you instead of you living your life! Tell your story the way it should be told. And that is by YOU. You are the author, the writer, the creator. Neale Walsch taught me that through his ‘Conversations with God’ series.

We have, as part of our very nature, the idea within of the best way to act relative to any situation. The trouble is that we have forgotten who we are. Our world is so busy being busy that we have forgotten to take the time to go within... and so we go without.

Take the time each day and remember to remember who you really are.

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